Online or offline? Both!
With syreta, you integrate stationary and digital sales formats.
syreta has already successfully accompanied various well-known companies on their way into online business. In the integration of digital and stationary sales forms, the combined expertise of syreta's specialists is in demand: technical know-how, comprehensive understanding of business processes, and experience from numerous implemented e-commerce projects, as well as the management of stationary sales areas. With syreta uni retail technology gmbh, the experts from Wels have now also physically arrived with the integration of technologies on the stationary floor. Thus, syreta offers customers a 360-degree solution for retail.
Omni-channel solutions require the highest level of expertise
“Optimally functioning omnichannel solutions require perfectly interlocking systems, such as the linking of customer data and inventory information, as well as easy, intuitive usability for users – the keyword being convenience. Collaboration with selected system partners, for instance, for specialized software and payment systems, also ensures smooth, secure processes for retailers and their customers”
Christian Immitzer & Alexander Palnik, Managing Directors

About syreta
syreta e-business solutions, based in Wels (Upper Austria), was founded in 2008 by Christian Immitzer and Alexander Palnik and specializes in the development of intelligent e-commerce solutions in both the B2C and B2B sectors. The team consists of experienced programmers, technicians, and sales specialists who bring extensive technical know-how and a high level of process understanding to every project.
syreta currently employs more than 20 staff and has completed more than 300 web and e-commerce projects for renowned national and international clients in various industries since its founding. In 2021, the founding of syreta uni retail technology gmbh completed the scope of activities.
Our drive is successful e-commerce solutions for our customers. When these projects are awarded as the best, it inspires us.
EHI Retail Technology Award Europe for "Best Multichannel Solutions" 2015
TOP Retail Supplier 2015